Community Events


Volunteers are always needed in all of our fundraising.

" Christ has no body now but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours, Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on this world. Christ has no body now on earth but yours."
St. Teresa of Ávila

Sizzling Summer June Calendar

Summer Fundraising

Gift card drive for this fundraiser event is underway. If you received gift cards and haven’t used them, we’d be happy to accept them. You can drop your cards in the collection basket or at the rectory. Please place them in an envelope with your name on it and the amount that's on the card. Remember, the cards must be unused and they shouldn't carry an expiration date. If you don't have cards and would like to help us fill the calendar, you can donate cash or purchase a gift card from a retail store. We'll collect gift cards and cash through the month of March. Thank you!

Valentine Sweetheart Basket

Congratulations to our winner: MARY VASALLO

  1. Fish Fry Day

    Fish & Chips Dinner is available any Friday during Lent from Nick’s Lake House in Lake Harmony.
    It is ready for pick-up or dine-in during lunch or dinner. $18.00 vouchers are available to purchase at the rectory
    during office hours and after each weekend Masses.
    Also available are $18.00 vouchers for a large cheese pizza. Thank you for supporting this very timely fundraiser.

  2. Easter Egg Lotto Chances

    A Big Easter Egg filled with $400 worth of lotto scratch tickets awaiting a lucky winner.
    Tickets are available after Mass: 1 chance for $2.00 or 8 chances for $10.00.
    Tickets are also available in the rectory during its office hours.
    Two extra prizes - (1) a big stuffed bunny and (2) giant chocolate bunny, can also be won during the drawing on April 9th.

  3. Homemade Halushki and Ravioli

    Homemade then frozen for your convenience are still available for sale after all Masses during Lent until sold out.
    They are on hand and pre order is not necessary. Each food item costs $7.50.)

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Knights of Columbus


For more information, contact Ken Coville
Knights of Columbus Council 10772
