Saint Peter the Fisherman

33 Trinity Circle Road, Lake Harmony, PA 18624

"And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it."
Mt 16:18


Mass Schedule

Come Join Us in Worship!

  1. Saturday Vigil

    4:00 PM

  2. Sunday Mass

    9:00 AM
    11:00 AM

  3. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

    8:00 AM

inside saint peter church

Mission Statement

St. Peter the Fisherman parish is a family centered Catholic Church rooted in the Faith, Hope and Charity of the teachings of Jesus Christ. It is Eucharist Centered with an emphasis on gathering the faithful in the unity of the Sacraments and Catholic moral teaching, welcoming to all unified in the Holy Spirit.

Tell us about yourself!

If you have questions, ask us! We'd love to hear from you.